Pre Engineered Buildings
Our pre-engineered buildings are prefabricated cold-formed steel structures that are easily assembled on site. We use optimized high- tensile galvanized steel on our pre-engineered structures to ensure durability and maximum strength.
SAFBUILD is a perfect fit for warehouses, factory sheds, parking sheds, market sheds, horticultural and agri-processing buildings, institutional buildings, workshops, worship centres and many other utilitarian structures.
Features & Benefits of SAFBUILD
- Assured process: Factory process, better quality control Customized supply, minimized waste
- Design flexibility: Larger spans, fewer supports, smaller sections Automation – fast, accurate & repeatable
- Lightweight: Simpler transport & equipment requirements Ductile & lightweight – safer in earthquakes
- Fast and easy construction: Fast, Dry construction Building is easily re-locatable
- Environmentally friendly: Green building – 100% steel recyclability Low thermal mass components
- Energy efficient: Low thermal mass components

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